Created by seven young Provençal poets, Frédéric Mistral, Joseph Roumanille, Théodore Aubanel, Jean Brunet, Paul Giéra, Anselme Mathieu and Alphone Tavan, Félibrige (or Lou Félibrige in the language of Oc) is an association born on Sainte-Estelle Day, May 21, 1854 and whose vocation is to preserve and promote the language, culture and identity of the Oc language countries. He draws his ethymology from the word "félibre" meaning those who are devoted to the defence of the Provençal language. It was therefore naturally at the initiative of Armana Prouvençau, an almanac written in Provençal and still published today, as well as, among other things, the creation of the first Provençal-French dictionary. If initially its field of action focused only on Provençal, it was later extended to all the languages of Oc at the end of the 19th century.